
The admission process is quite simple!  If you are not in Cairo, Contact us for an Application Form and either email it or post it to the school. But if you are in Cairo, even just on a brief fact finding visit, we hope that you will find time to call and make an appointment to meet with our Principal, Miss Vicki, and have a look around the school. 


MCS welcomes children from expatriate families, between the ages of 4 and 14.  The Christian ethos of MCSC is unequivocal, and all parents are required to give their written agreement to the statement of faith as laid out in our constitution.

All students at MCSC are placed in chronological age group classes. In exceptional circumstances a student may initially be placed in a lower age/grade class if it is felt that this may be beneficial for the student.

MCSC does not offer the Egyptian National Curriculum. Therefore, MCSC is unable to accept applications for admission from Egyptian passport holders, or from any students who may need to study towards qualifications or examinations that are part of the Egyptian education system.


Assessment Interview

All new students attend a formal assessment interview. Please ensure that you bring your child’s birth certificate, passport and previous school reports to this interview, together with any specialist reports concerning special or individual educational needs, medical conditions, etc. The Assessment Fee of $100 is payable at the time of this interview and a receipt will be issued.

During this interview your child will be formally assessed in Maths and English language ability against recognised standards. The purpose of this assessment is to measure and record your child’s baseline ability as a starting point for later work and to guide any support or catch-up work required. Results are usually available within 24 hours and parents will be invited to come to school to discuss them.


Following successful assessment you will be invited to formally enroll your child and complete all the necessary paperwork. An invoice for the registration fee (currently $500) will be issued, you will have 14 days in which to pay this and at this point your child’s place at MCSC will be reserved.

Additional support

Some children have individual needs and it is imperative that we are made aware of any known concerns or special requirements during the initial interview.  While we may, in some cases, be able to support these students there will be times that we cannot provide all of the services or support that a particular student may need.